Adjusting migrant and refugee children to European schools


7 days or depends on the target group

Target audience

  • Teachers (primary, secondary, vocational, adult)
  • Principals


Children spend many of their waking hours at school, in circumstances that are often suboptimal. Safe and healthy schools offer many benefits. The physical environment can be either a support or a hurdle to student achievement. Students perform better in facilities that are attractive, functional, safe and secure. Finally, safe and healthy schools are often environmentally friendly schools, which model an environmental responsibility for teachers and students.

We offer

  • Course Certification according to the needs and demands of Erasmus+
  • Possibility of ECVET certification
  • Rich cultural and leisure program
  • Cultural and language preparation using our elearning platform


For more information and additional requests please contact us at erasmusplus@aketh.gr in order to receive the full course booklet including learning objectives, learning outcomes, evaluation procedures etc.