Providing Learning Skills about Generating Solutions of Refugee Parents Facing to Educational Problems of Their Children





Project Reference:


EU Grant:

240340 EUR



Key Action:

Cooperation for innovation and the exchange of good practices

Action Type:

Strategic Partnerships for vocational education and training

Project Summary

Due to the war that started in Syria in 2011, our country was heavily exposed to the migration of refugees. Gaziantep city, which is one of the most refugee cities in this region, closely witnesses their life struggles. As people living in Gaziantep, we are witnessing their proplems in this harmonization and adaptation process since we can see them closely and have the opportunity to watch them. In addition to the economic, social and cultural problems that they have experienced, refugees have faced many problems in the field of education. When a society has to migrate to another country from a long-lived country, it is inevitable that there will be a variety of problems in other places where it has gone before, if it is directly exposed to the cultures. The most important aspect of this problem is that the individual internalizes the situation in which they are and can not control their feelings in the face of the situation and enlarges their problems more in their eyes. The other side is that in the face of the problems it has experienced, it does not know the operating system of the institutions of the country and the resources of the applicants. For example, if a refugee parent interprets the success of the child in his / her school in different ways and thinks that the child is being kicked out of the school by starting the crying or thinking that the parent may be exposed to social exclusion, the fear that the parent will be unacceptable to contact with the school administration, the failure of the child to adequately deal with his / her educational life or the lack of healthy communication with the child and the school, the failure of the community to empathize with the immigration process, the indifference to personal development programs as a parent, etc. We can list many problems such as this. For this reason, our project is a logical solution to the problems faced by the children of refugee parents who are children in school age in their educational life, and at this point the new gathering aims to integrate easily into this area. The target groups must be able to minimize their problems by participating in events such as trainings, conferences, panellas that may be useful for both themselves and their children in the collective adaptation process they are coming from. At the same time, the parents who will best understand the emotional dimension of their children who have to leave the country and have to study in another country, and who will solve the problems are also their parents. Our project will take 24 months starting on 1st September 2017 and ending on 31th August 2019. The project coordinator is Gaziantep University/ TURKEY and we have partners from Spain, Greece. Our project aims to create an applicable training module including social adaptation, integration and providing to increase the learning skills such as communication, empathy, social exclusion, cooperation with the environment and etc of Syrian and other refugee groups’ in Europe (especially in the partner countries). This training module will be created and then implemented during the project to target groups then will be disseminated in local, ntaional and in Europe in the related organization and institutions. For this reason, we will give them the necessary support during the process of integration, with the thought that we can contribute to this sociological problem and at the same time taking them away from the point of their arrival and moving them to the target point. Work will be done to motivate their existing potentials and thus to lead them to the best, to increase individual productivity, to give them self-confidence, to prioritize their personal performances and to establish a planned development relationship to achieve their desired performance. One of our most important goals is to support refugee parents towards the goals we set and to ensure that they learn to overcome their problems on their own. We will contribute to the development process by creating awareness of what they should do in the face of their problems. While preparing our project for refugee parents, one of our most important main targets is to raise healthy generations and to contribute to them and to the people of the world. As a result of the research we conducted within the scope of our project, individual trainings, conferences and meetings, websites, etc. We aim to reach the target group and communicate with them in the best way and give them the trainings necessary for this process. In doing so, we aim to get support from all sectors, institutions and organizations of the society to be among our most important principles and reach our project goals in the most perfect way. The Syrian adult parents, who are the targets of the project, have a target language in Arabic and some of them speak English. Although most of them know Turkish language, we aim to increase our communication with our Arabic-speaking students and interpreter support.




  • Kayra Yoneylem Egitim-Arastirma-Muhendislik-Danismanlik Ltd. Sti. (Kayra Yoneylem education-research-engineering and consulting company) – TURKEY
  • Aile, Calisma ve Sosyal Hizmetler Gaziantep Il Mudurlugu – TURKEY
  • European Center for Education, Science and Innovation – BULGARIA