Using Information Technology to enhance creativity and innovation in the classroom


5 or 7 days depends on the target group

Target audience

  • Teachers (primary, secondary, vocational, adult)
  • Teacher trainers
  • Principals


The course combines short introductions in the form of brief plenaries on the methodological topics of the day followed by presentations of related online applications, Web 2.0 tools for brainstorming and mappings of students’ pre-knowledge, materials or activities. Explore tools and strategies for blended learning scenarios and be introduced to international School projects.

Then the practical work is done individually or in small groups depending on the needs and educational levels. Finally, the outcomes are shared and discussed.

We offer

  • Course Certification according to the needs and demands of Erasmus+
  • Possibility of ECVET certification
  • Rich cultural and leisure program
  • Cultural and language preparation using our elearning platform

For more information and additional requests please contact us at  erasmusplus@aketh.gr   in order to receive the full course booklet including learning objectives, learning outcomes, evaluation procedures etc.